Reaching: A Point of Sail Sailing Term
Reaching: When a boat is sailing across the wind between close hauled and running. Reaching is a point of sail. Here is an infographic for you to share, like and print out. Happy Sails!_/)

Here his a short animation on how to rescue crew that fell over board. This method involves jibing which is turning the boat around with the wind behind you. Only to be practiced in light winds as one can capsize easily!
…MOB Man Overboard! or Crew Overboard or Person Overboard Whatever your preference! Here are 3 short animations on how to rescue crew that fell over board.
Method 1: This method involves jibing which is turning the boat around with the wind behind you. Only to be practiced in light winds as one can capsize easily!
…Approaching a Mooring in a Sailboat – Sailing Tip
Here is a printable infographic on how to land a sailboat at a mooring. Always be mindful of the wind!
Some way to tell which way the wind is blowing is to observe flags and birds always face the wind.
…Here is a printable infographic on the risk of collision rules.
Typically, when two sailboats encounter on the high sea, there are three nautical rules to follow:
1. The boat on the port tack gives way to the boat on the starboard tack.